How to Give a Warm Oil Ayurvedic Massage
Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient form of Eastern medicine that's been gaining acclaim in the West as an effective alternative therapy for a variety of ailments. One specific component of Ayurvedic medicine is Ayurvedic warm oil massage. You can learn how to give yourself an Ayurvedic massage by following some basic techniques.
Select an oil that is particular to your "dosha." Using the appropriate oil helps to reestablish balance in your dosha. Heat the oil slightly before beginning your massage.
Place a small amount of oil on your head. Use your palm and the flat part of your fingers to rub the oil around your scalp in a circular motion.
Move down from your scalp to your face and ears. Continue massaging your face and ears in a circular motion. Focus a lot of attention on your ears.
Apply lots of oil over your entire body. Allow the oil to sink into your skin as you massage your neck, upper back and upper chest areas.
Massage your arms and legs using long straight strokes. Whenever possible, massage in the same direction your hair grows. Use the flat part of your fingers to massage around your joints in a circular motion.
Place your hand over your abdomen and massage in a circular, clockwise motion. This stimulates digestion.
Focus your attention on your feet. Use your open palm to massage the bottom of the feet thoroughly.
Tips & Warnings
Massage for 10 to 20 minutes daily.
Take a warm shower immediately after completing your Ayurveda oil massage.
Sesame oil tends to be good for all doshas.
Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient form of Eastern medicine that's been gaining acclaim in the West as an effective alternative therapy for a variety of ailments. One specific component of Ayurvedic medicine is Ayurvedic warm oil massage. You can learn how to give yourself an Ayurvedic massage by following some basic techniques.
Select an oil that is particular to your "dosha." Using the appropriate oil helps to reestablish balance in your dosha. Heat the oil slightly before beginning your massage.
Place a small amount of oil on your head. Use your palm and the flat part of your fingers to rub the oil around your scalp in a circular motion.
Move down from your scalp to your face and ears. Continue massaging your face and ears in a circular motion. Focus a lot of attention on your ears.
Apply lots of oil over your entire body. Allow the oil to sink into your skin as you massage your neck, upper back and upper chest areas.
Massage your arms and legs using long straight strokes. Whenever possible, massage in the same direction your hair grows. Use the flat part of your fingers to massage around your joints in a circular motion.
Place your hand over your abdomen and massage in a circular, clockwise motion. This stimulates digestion.
Focus your attention on your feet. Use your open palm to massage the bottom of the feet thoroughly.
Tips & Warnings
Massage for 10 to 20 minutes daily.
Take a warm shower immediately after completing your Ayurveda oil massage.
Sesame oil tends to be good for all doshas.